

having a great day hanging out outside
meeting a lot of people and friends
It is a great moment
as everyone I met inspire me something towards life,culture and dream

You will never know when you are inspiring someone by just a simple sharing
Someone may felt guilty and humble
as Ones don't believe that their story will inspire others
Everyone does

Story is the most influential tools to affect people (at least it works on me (= )

I get touch and I get motivated ^^
Thanks you for the story and experience sharing
Someday somehow .. Who knows that is my turn to inspire YOU =p


rain90forest said...

urs lifestyle owaz inspire me...hahaXD
i'm kinda envy ur enthusiasim for everything~~~

rain90forest said...


patricia poicia Lee said...

Yee leng, You may have it as well ^^
your life does inspire me as well =)

sometimes we may think tat we are nothing,
but believe it, anytime any moment, we are something to ourselves =)

【肯尼】 said...

how i wish i can go out with ur friends and have a lot of talks too~
that's really the life i am looking forward....T.T

boring in UUM~
i need inspirations and motivationS!!!!

patricia poicia Lee said...

You can always have inspiration geh..
just be patient and respect everyone that in our life..
you will surely discovered their treasure ^^